Sunday, July 3, 2011

Checking Solaris kernel is 32bit or 64 bit

-> To check if Solaris kernel is running in 32 bit mode or 64 bit from command line run the following:

# /usr/bin/isainfo –kv

64-bit sparcv9 kernel modules

The output "64 bit sparcv9" indicates that Solaris kernel is running in 64 bit mode. Here is the output of Solaris kernel running in 32 bit:

# /usr/bin/isainfo –kv

32-bit sparcv9 kernel modules
-> How to check Solaris kernel on x86 (Intel) platform :

# uname –m


# /usr/bin/isainfo -kv

32-bit i386 kernel modules

In the example above Solaris Kernel is running in 32 bit on intel platform, printed as "32-bit" in the output.
-> How to check if Solaris kernel is configured to boot in 32  bit or 64:

The system is configured to boot the 64-bit kernel if the output from the eeprom command is either:

# /usr/sbin/eeprom | grep boot-file

boot-file: data not available



else if Solaris system is configured to boot using 32-bit kernel, the output from the eeprom command comes back as:


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